Travelling studio project based in Park Nordbahnhof, Berlin, Germany… as part of the “Future Thinking” program, the ACNB Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, in collaboration with the University of Sydney and the Australian Embassy in Berlin..

Year: 2023

Studio 1 (M.Arch)

Studio Theme: What Can Architecture Do?

Tutor: Deborah Barnstone

Co-oordinator: Maren Koehler

Hidden In Plain Sight

Reflecting on Country and the songlines of storytelling...through narrative of Berlin, Hidden In Plain Sight emerges from the city’s disparities, guided by its own fractures and scars. Its emotional nerves and liminal voids lurk in the shadows of its historic fractures - silenced, annonymous...concealed. Obsolete, desolate, semi-derelict infrastructures pulse the clandestine Berlin Techno Underground’s arteries.

Drawing parallels to Australian Indigenous artefacts and objects within the context of the museum, the project seeks to reveal hidden stories, artefacts and untold truths - often concealed within archives and held amidst the museum collection. Untold truths are often silenced, ignored, desecrated and obscured - their voices often disembodied.

Liminal architecture seeks to expose the concealed, shining light on hidden places, spaces, artefacts and objects. Subtly interacting lightly on Country and surrounds, it prompts curosity and contemplation...hidden in plain sight. A narrative between below and above, the revealed and the concealed is formed through subterranean and datum convergence.

The hedonistic identity of the Underground, seeks to strip away vestiges of the ordinary - translating raw attitude and aura into architecture and truth-telling, revealing even the purest of architecture and seeking to unsilence truths. Emotion is felt, truth telling is personal...


Play, Her Way...


A Same Same, But Different House